Transitional House

A perfect amalgamation of modern and traditional is what keeps your home balanced and timeless. This project was for a family with modern young adults working in the corporate world, parents who loved a bit of traditional feel. It was interesting to tailor each area to suit each member’s taste all the while making sure they all blended together artfully.

The rooms had modern vibe with concrete finish wall, low bed, straight line shelves, checkered drapes and other small nuances.

The living and dining area took you back to the old world without losing the lines of modernity. We added a beautiful partition,combination of jute rope and display shelves that would give privacy and add a style statement to the space. Bright yellow paint was added to the walls to emphasize the traditional themes of the space. The highlight of this area however is the framed 30-year old kanjeevaramsaree in fuchsia pink, acting as a piece of wall art ; theperfect marriage between tradition and modernity.

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